We have 7 Olympians who will be instructing, in person, every minute of the BUILDING FUTURE OLYMPIANS EVENT hosted by College Bound Jocks. These 7 Olympians include Team USA members: Amanda Chidester, Aubree Munro, Bubba Nickles, Ali Aguilar, Michelle Moultrie, Ally Carda, and Monica Abbott. This event will be held January 22-23, 2022 in Clermont, Florida. Your athlete will get the full Olympic experience from our staff. 

What’s unique about being a part of BFO is we are holding a Saturday evening event, which will be located at a nearby school auditorium. It will include 3 Olympian keynote speakers, small group workshops with all 7 Olympians, Q & A panel with all Olympians as well as autographs and pictures. 

Our workshop is meant for your athlete to create champion habits as they continue to grow on and off the field. They will learn more on topics that have been highly influential to our Olympic staff. Each Olympian will meet with 3 different groups for 20 minutes each, discussing a topic that’s important for the younger generation in regards to their softball/life journey. If your athlete didn’t get the chance to sit and discuss a specific topic with a specific Olympian, don’t worry. We will be holding a Q & A with all Olympians after our group sessions to answer player and parent questions. Yes, parents are WELCOME to the evening event (just not the breakout sessions). There will be workshop take-home sheets from all Olympians and their desired topic.

You can sign up now until December 18th to get $100 off! 

Team/Organization rates are available if requested.

Registration will be closing on Jan 10, 2022. 

Sign up link: Building Future Olympians

Please reach out with any questions!

Contact: Brian Chidester

Email: Brian@collegeboundjocks.com 

Phonel: 313-995-0863